Nat's Blog

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

so here's the REAL scoop

Ladies and gentlemen, I need to bring it to your attention that

it is not yet Dec. 1st


my tree us up and decorated, the front of the house is decorated, almost all my Christmas cards and letters and written out and mailed to all over the globe, and I got 75% of my Christmas shopping done online this afternoon.

The next 25 days of December are left for enjoyment and relaxation.

so, when did I become such an over achiever??

Monday, November 28, 2005

in case you're wondering, im still not over it

Destiny846 [12:14 AM]: my first thought was...awww a playmate for abbey
Abbsofsteel31 [12:14 AM]: awww so cute
Destiny846 [12:14 AM]: and the second thought was.....oh no...its happened at last
Abbsofsteel31 [12:14 AM]: hahahaha
Destiny846 [12:14 AM]: im now in THAT category
Abbsofsteel31 [12:15 AM]: that' strue, you're so old
Destiny846 [12:15 AM]: apparently
Destiny846 [12:15 AM]: whats gonna find out they have grandchildren??

Sunday, November 27, 2005

got kids?

kryobobo: what new adventures have befallen you?
Destiny846: hehe im not sure if ive ever been referred to as madame before
kryobobo: well im a classy guy dammit
kryobobo: yo, you've got a xanga right?
if so, gimme yer email. I'm asking all those w livejournals and stuff to assist my ass
Destiny846: i switched to livejournal
kryobobo: ah i seek
ryobobo: anyhow, i found a buncha people sharing APCR over their blogs and it gave me an idea to ask my buds to do the same
kryobobo: alright well i gotta do shite. i sent you a myspace mesage
Destiny846: yeah count me in
Destiny846: i went out with a guy last week
kryobobo: and?!
kryobobo: and he was hot?
kryobobo: and he tamed you?
kryobobo: and he was a girl?
Destiny846:'s the scary part
Destiny846: he told me he has a 5 year old son!
kryobobo: WHA!~!!
Destiny846: yeah
kryobobo: RED LIGH
kryobobo: RED LIGHT
Destiny846: ohh yeah
kryobobo: we're getting older...that kinda stuff happens
kryobobo: i once asked a married chick out on a date before she showed me the ringkryobobo: from then on i always look at a woman's hand first thing

hmm. ok, so new question to be asking people before agreeing to go out with them. 1. have you ever been in prison, #2 are you currently doing anything u could get arrested for?, #3 did you go to any schooling at all in your lifetime, and the new kids?

oh brother, didnt see that one coming at all. i was shocked beyond belief. i didnt expect to encounter this for at least another five YEARS or so. just great...

Friday, November 18, 2005

i wonder what its all about

Waiting sucks. Waiting for anything and anyone is one of the top annoying things. I’m never purposely fashionable late so as to avoid the act of waiting and in turn rather be waited on, but I must admit I’d rather have frantic nerves from my own tardiness rather than someone else’s because I realize that I have minimal patience for such things. Waiting for e-mails suck too. My mailbox is filled daily with tons of club planet and velvet list updates so I’m never on empty in that respect. But you know, when someone emails you, it indicates on main particular important thing…that they are alive. That’s really all I need to know these days, the rest is trifle and can be revealed later.

My Dad was watching Saving Private Ryan the other night and you know what? I had to leave the room. I’ve watched that movie several times before but this time it just was making me really uncomfortable.

So…regarding word on other updates I’ve decided I’ve been too lazy lately. Don’t get me wrong, every weekend has been another great club and bar nights. My Tuesday and Thursday night contained two great concerts both of which I wouldn’t have necessarily wandered to myself but with the suggestion of friends it was neat to see something new and different. Falu was an ecclectic group from around the world but a modern Indian base, Murder By Death was this dark/folk/semi-metal sound who originated from…Indiana. I think what interested me most was the crowd in Williamsburg for MBD..I was one of two blondes there, the other happened to be the cellist performing. Everybody else was dark and broody, though let looks surprise you cause they were quite the fun and friendly crowd. But nobody was fist pumping or jumping all around. I felt I had to consciously keep the dancing under control or someone would bite me. well, this week between India/Indiana I got my globe covered.

And now its Friday and the weekend again! I just need to get out of my rut and away from this lazyness….I have projects I’ve been meaning to taken on I just haven’t had the motivation. I havent been to the gym enough. I did another painting though which came out decent….and lately I’ve just been reading van Gogh’s letters and paging through his stuff. I decided that my favorite phase of his work was when he was in Saint-Remy…his rockiest time mentally when he was at the asylum…hehehe I need to find out why I can relate to those most!!!!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Well, my love, I'm trying to make sense of things

...of how I was, and how I am now.I have always believed our first duty is to live life to the full. But I have also been haunted by another conviction...that everything is preordained, lying in wait....Simultaneously I was reading an old conversation with my dear Soshini, and she once sent me this blurb...Seeing yourself clearly isn't easy. It's like when you get really close to an Impressionist painting and all you see are the little teeny dots of color. You can pick out a few key details, but you need some distance in order to see the big picture. My past few weeks from NYC to Cali to work again and then a trip back to Scrantabama to see what was new and different and I am still cruising along. Life is not dull to say the least and my time has been well spent with the old, the new, and...the future friends who keep appearing in my life out of nowhere. I look into my cell phone and am like...where'd all these new numbers come from recently? Thinking back to a few nights I clearly thought I was hallucinating. How can I best see these little dots and dabs that is my life? Pictures! And thats where the warm and fuzzy friends do indeed come in. The paparazzi always strike at the right time...we've had enough practice with taking just the right kodak moments. There are some classic intimate pics. I'll potentially put them up with consultation, but I think the internet might malfunction and decombust because they are just TOO HOT to handle.

And well, another close friend got engaged this past weekend. This makes two, oddly enough the wedding plans are within one month of each other. I on the other hand am loving the single life as always. I did have an interesting conversation with my Mom tonight as I was driving her to work. She stated that she will definitely cry at my wedding, unless I marry a Polish guy and get stuck with a loooong unpronouncable last name, and then she will laugh at the wedding instead. She's all proud because she lost her long complicated name and got a German one when she got married. Well Ma no worries about this yet. I'm still concentrating on which VIP list I can get on to and where to plan the next getaway with my gals and guys who are about living up our youthful days with joy and merryment, and a bit of insanity along the way.