Nat's Blog

Monday, May 30, 2005

Class of 2005

Class of 2005 Posted by Hello

it's surreal. the four year journey that seemed would last forever ended in the blink of an eye. i could write so much about graduation weekend cause like Fr. Pilarz said...its a toughie summing it all up. and you can't. cause frosh year and senior year and all things in between involve so many thoughts, emotions, people and events.

so what is life like on the flip side? I need more time for the dust to settle and to collect these thoughts and memories of mine. its sad though i am actually somewhat depressed that i don't see anybody in a sweatshirt and flipflops within a mile radius of me, and queens is pretty populated. that and i know its going to be a little strange figuring out what to do with myself. besides unpacking all my junk. and getting back into nyc mode. all i can think about are the past few crazy amazing histerical days called senior week.

and you know what really kills me now? I walk down the street and see a deli called "viking" and NOBODY around me gets the joke. its 10 PM here at home and what would i be doing if we were all still in the time zone called scranton.....ahh it almost sounds like a holy word now, "scranton".

more thoughts to follow as this transition the meantime......YAY to graduating ;)

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Jeanne-Claude and Christo would not have thought of this

central park gate's exhibition

we are all artistic in scranton

there's a certain similarity here

Jean-Claude and Christo would not have thought of this Posted by Hello

I let the pictures speak for themselves. But one comment. Jeanne-Claude and Christo wanted their environmental work to be temporary, much like our transitory scranton memories that come and go about which we need to remind each other. Some of my mental pictures are priceless. I was witness to many a great things this week. I thank all who stand as these beautiful and hilarious momentos that will forever flash through my mind :) And of those I can't recall, I'm sure someone has a digital pic of it.

Friday, May 20, 2005

a day on the farm

this looks just like the dog I used to have Posted by Hello

gettin all groomed Posted by Hello

the lil guys we met along the way Posted by Hello

PA mountains Posted by Hello

hey, wait up for us! Posted by Hello

close-up, so much love :) Posted by Hello

Monday, May 16, 2005

we should be outside with the birds and the flowers

Before I open up my arms and fall losing all control
Every dream inside my soul
Cuz' whose to worry if our hearts get torn
When that hurt gets thrown

Don't you notice life goes on.....

i think i see things blossoming in my friends life but i often miss it. Winter dissappears and like KABOOM the flowers shot out of the rhododendron as if it were spring forever. I think of this plant cluster fondly, not just for its beautiful pink, white, or purplish flowers but because its a plant of endurance but for it almost always perseveres in breakingout beyond the holds of ice storms and long cold winters. To see it in bloom, you have to be on target with the cyclical schedule of Mother Nature. I used to go to these botanical gardens at Oyster Bay with my folks in May and we'd always try really hard to catch them. I've been away these past few Mays in PA but sometimes you can still see the flowers in June in a few local cemetaries by my house.

This past semester it seems like people paired off as if they were lining up for Noah's Ark. Honestly, these spurts of blossomed bonds came without warning! I speak to these great people frequently, and it amazes me how from one day to another the status can change that if you blink, you miss it. Or maybe its that I don't really pay enough attention to those details and the closer connections happen on a more subliminal level, which just get revealed when the sun's alignment is just right. I'm fascinated as to how this works out, i've never been able to figure it out for myself i dont think, and one day I know they will all explain this transition to me...:)

And for the record, I'm saying this here because its the best place: Don't you find it strange that she looks alot like me?...same age, same sign, same haircolor, school background, clubbing... ahhthere'swaymoresimilaritiesinoticedandi'm notgoingintoit cause there are some uncanny things in life better left unexamined! don't think that i am not happy for you, because you gotta know it dude that i am. this is the way things work out in life. we need to go out and seek those roads meant for us. our paths crossed back on that stage at 47 W 20th St, and we both know we're better people cause of it. thats enough to make me think back and smile.

i'm leaving it at that for now since i'm about to go outside and cram my brain with Greek artist names and arterial blood gas patterns.

Keep it real...keep reelin it in ;)

Sunday, May 15, 2005

comments regarding the moratorium on Coors Light

are we all just fooling ourselves into accepting this as the college experience? Is there a life outside of "Oscar's?"

this morning i stumbled upon the article linked above. I am one of those students who'll be experiencing this real world soon, and found it so darn fitting.

My fellow peers and I have discussed this college social life numerous times. Here our Wednesday-Saturday nights consume many hours in our schedules, and even more hours in the aftermath as we struggle to regain consciousness and figure out why we "socialized" with whatever respective people we collided into by the bar or keg.

When I came to college, I was quick to realize that the truer friends were not the ones I met at parties. The party people wouldn't stick around in my life unless we had the same drinking schedule. More so, the people I met in class, extracurricaulars, intramurals, or even random places like on the bus going home or on retreat somehow had a bigger impact.

I cannot think of any real romance that blossomed from meeting at a bar. Not for myself, and I can't say goes for anyone who I know is in a bf/gf status here currently. People randomly exit the romance department as randomly as they appeared when it comes to this kind of socializing.


Well, for starters, things get really confused once the sun goes down, as if dating someone isn't naturally complicated and confusing. Getting drunk doesn't help the situation.

I think meeting people outside the party-world lets you get to know them at a normal pace. Its not the let-me-get-to-know-you-in-one-night deal.

If anyone has proof of life that there is an exception, please do share.

I've also noticed that if I'm seeing someone and we go together to a bar or party, it kind of screws things up. I guess it works if you are in a more solidly established (insert R word here) as opposed to just getting to know each other.

Besides, at bars and keggers, there are other distractions, and the social pressures commonly referred to as "friends of that person you are dating" in one way or another influence things. Suddenly you're not just dating that person, you're dating their whole posse.

Some people have asked if dating even exists in Scranton? Depends what you mean by dating. I've spent some great "real" quality time with people and it is what you make of it.

I pity the fool who thinks the basement gatherings are as good as it gets.

However, I have to hand it to the writer of that article saying "Many of my best and worst memories from this University have been made with that red Solo cup" because I as well as many of my dudes and duettes who really know how to have a good time can say cheers to that.

After all, it is the college experience too. And it only comes once a lifetime and only lasts for about four or a few more years. so here goes....eeinie, meenie....

Friday, May 13, 2005

were you looking for controversy last night?

"a frisson of individuality"-an attitude of approval which incorporates a brief moment of disapproval

happens all the time!

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

kidnapping of the moon

I can't imagine all the people that you know
And the places that you go
When the lights are turned down low
And I don't understand
All the things you've seen
But I'm slipping in between
You and your big... dreams
it's always you and my big dreams
And you tell me
That it's over
But i can't stand here in a patch of four leaf clover
And your restless

And you don't want to look much closer
'Cause you're afraid to find out all the hope
That you had sent into the sky by now had...
crashedand it did because of me
And then you bring me home
Afraid to find out that you're alone

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

it doesn't get any easier, explaining it

"From all journeys, be they imaginative or geographic, the most important souvenirs to be collected are the reminders that people’s lives are fortified by family and friends; by our ability to create our lives like creating a piece of art; and by our efforts to reconcile our material needs with the importance of our connections to each other.”-Loreena McKennitt, Dante's Prayer

Monday, May 09, 2005

what does it mean another brick in the wall?

Plans that either come to nought

Or half a page of scribbled lines

i've been reading lyrics lately, not books or poetry. its kinda cool i'm relating to every other song and there's so much thinking to do. every other fun crazy night resulted in some kind of afterthought like...whoa...closure? confusion? who are YOU and why?

but seriously, the radisson alumni evening was fun followed by more fun at the bar crawl!!!!

can we crawl every weekend from now on? i think we may...maybe we already do.

and the cuz came up with the other cuzzes and they met all the cats here. worlds collided just like i like it. though it came a little close to collision at one point and i thought there would be a brawl and no longer a crawl....

spring fling came on saturday and it was the chillest thing to just sit around all day and talk about whatever and whoever and whenever.

really, good times.

pics are comin up soon, though i think there needs to be some editing first...;)

Sunday, May 01, 2005

spring came to the city Posted by Hello

Never knowing
Shocking but we're nothing
We're just moments
We're Clever but we're clueless
We're just human
Amusing but confusing
Were trying but where is this all leading
Never Know
It all happened so much faster
Than you could say disaster
Wanna take a time lapse
And look at it backwards
From the last one
And maybe thats just the answer
That we're after
But after all
We're just a bubble in a boiling pot
Just one breath in a chain of thought
The moments just combusting
Feel certain but we'll never never know
Just seems the same
Give it a diff. name
We're beggin and we're needing
And we're trying and we're breathing
Never knowing
Shocking but we're nothing
We're just moments
We're Clever but we're clueless
We're just human
Amusing but confusing
Helping, we're builing
And we're growing
Never Know