Nat's Blog

Saturday, January 29, 2005

so what if you catch me where would we land

So its coming to a close; this “timewarp” as jakub (jim) healy put it, known as intercession. Some of us are left with fond memories, others are left with a few blanks….Tuesday night…belt night…hahaha, others might have accomplished something new while others may hafta repeat a class or two. (I thoroughly enjoyed not having to take a class. I’ll say it over and over again!!). I think most of all this sole month of January where there are even fewer living beings around in this already low-populated area gives everyone a shot at re-grouping a little. And of course there’s that whole twilight zone aspect where time may seem to stretch endlessly into the horizon…and then you live a year within a week…I swear I lived a whole year in that one crazy week here. Much was learned. I’m not going to ponder it too much. It spooks me a little J and in the end it was good. Cause well, we’re all still standing, and moving forward too. And everybody’s got some ideas for the months ahead of more ways to fill in the blanks and create new ones!

Speaking of ideas, we’re moving into the Aquarian’s territory, and how convenient to start up a new semester during the most progressive sign of the zodiac. I’ve already started brewing up a bunch. I’m looking into different perspectives this semester. I was surprised by some end results I had with people last year, so this semester amidst having massive amounts of fun and craziness I’m going to keep an open perspective and not attempt to read minds. Last night I went to a Peter Paul Rubens exhibit and saw how he sketched the work of Michelangelo. Sketching has been a bit of a pastime lately. Now if you compare the two, both embrace the vivaciousness of the curve and illuminating figures in motion. While the Flemish fellow is more into softer ambience, the Italian artist prefers super anatomical accuracy and shapely muscular form. Most of all different characteristics of the human body personified are visible. So here you have two works with the same general object but a different interpretation of it. Hmm…much like life, right? Different people think different things. One is not necessarily worse than the other, but its evident that you’ll prefer one over the other.

I digress…how did I get on this analogy?….perhaps cause all of dinner I discussed with J. gowns what it would be like to be a museum curator. ANND I get to take TWO art history classes to knock out my last college semester ever.
This be it for now, I’m going to explore my artistic techniques and see if I can decorate this hallway more.

Monday, January 24, 2005

facts of life

Destiny846: u toooo kiddddo
Abbsofsteel31: rumor is the floor looks great
Destiny846: hahah
Destiny846: yeah it sux
Destiny846: sure
Abbsofsteel31: well...rumor is they don't know who decorated it cause it looks so good
Abbsofsteel31: see any of my dad's today?
Destiny846: negative
Destiny846: and then he asked me if i was dating anybody
Destiny846: i hate those kinds of questions
Abbsofsteel31: i know you do lol.... you're not sure WHO you're dating
Destiny846: thats right!
Destiny846: maybe at that moment i should have called you and let you explain
Destiny846: im doing that next time
Abbsofsteel31: haha, you should have - I could have explained the situation perfectly. or... he could have just joined "i need help raising my fatherless child" group and things would have been explained quicker
Destiny846: yeah
Destiny846: maybe we arent advertising enough
Abbsofsteel31: he would ahve been like... "whoa... baggage. i'm out peas"
Destiny846: we gotta filter them out somehow
Abbsofsteel31: i know, sift through them like flour
Destiny846: yayyy ______ just IMed me
Destiny846: there is hope!
Abbsofsteel31: is he on facebook?
Destiny846: no
Abbsofsteel31: Damnit!
Destiny846: and he's another "good kid"
Abbsofsteel31: hes a "good kid"
Abbsofsteel31: wow, he sound normal
Destiny846: yeah normal
Destiny846: i dont deal well with normal though
Abbsofsteel31: well normal + natalie = disaster usually
Destiny846: i never know what to do with the good guys either
Abbsofsteel31: Hahaha
Abbsofsteel31: maybe stability is too much for you to handle
Destiny846: yeah
Destiny846: i think that may be so
Destiny846: but ______ is playing nanny today
Destiny846: he is practicing
Destiny846: just for you
Abbsofsteel31: haha hahahaha
Abbsofsteel31: Nat
Abbsofsteel31: you know what the best part about that is
Destiny846: so?
Abbsofsteel31: it's just humerous... who am I?
Abbsofsteel31: It's one of your questions
Abbsofsteel31: WHO AM I
Destiny846: and why
Abbsofsteel31: i am...nobody
Abbsofsteel31: and why
Destiny846: you are my daughter!!
Destiny846: thats why!
Abbsofsteel31: that's why WHAT
Destiny846: its the answer to both questions
Abbsofsteel31: im confused about that. but because i have the utmost trust in you..ill just believe that you know WHAT AND WHY
Abbsofsteel31: mothers know best
Destiny846: the only thing appealing about stability
Destiny846: is that it would be something different
Abbsofsteel31: why. are you soo afraid of getting to know guys!
Destiny846: im not
Destiny846: i get to know them perfectly well
Destiny846: :)
Abbsofsteel31: yeah i know you "GET TO KNOW THEM" perfectly well, ew daughter doesnt wanna hear that
Destiny846: well i tried
Destiny846: in all the wrong places but i tried
Abbsofsteel31: well, i think there is a LOT of you to get to know and it takes longer than 1 night BOOM. yeah i said it
Destiny846: yeah i learned that lesson a while back too...
Destiny846: however
Destiny846: just cuz we learn doesnt mean we necesarily utilize that knowledge
Abbsofsteel31: what kind of example are you setting......hmm like mother like daughter
Destiny846: oh fudge
Destiny846: well see i can screw up my life but you cant!!
Destiny846: that is just not allowed
Destiny846: i think im gonna go see if the gym is open....i think im saving this conversation
Abbsofsteel31: you're lucky you're leaving, i was just about to get personal :-)

Saturday, January 22, 2005

why do i recall STARBURST and subaru's more....

stellar tonight, we stopped at brixx and oscars!! i do think of my cuz representin us at avalon and maybe i couldve gotten derrick carter's sig. at the hottest spot in nyc but still PA did represent despite all flannel and of course the minus temperatures outside. perhaps that is what was most impressive. and tomorrow will just be mellow as the snow piles up. i expect wojtek to wake me up with a cell phone call trying to get home in da blizzard with monkey and whatever other dragger he found home (though as far as da "queens" go, i pick the best!!). nina and i had some grand plans for my 22nd in february!! tomorrow we plot out da rest of PR and the tropicalness, and we'll keep fist pumping to whatever noise we gots...!

but one quote that rings in this time of my life: Satc, said by Carrie: Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they're supposed to run wild until they find someone -- just as wild -- to run with.

a lil blurry perhaps Posted by Hello

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Kids, don't chew on the window sills.

stick to the table legs like i taught you!!

so today i didn't sleep til 2 on this cold snow day, but i felt in a bit of a fog for most of the day like most of everybody else. my coherence progressed gradually as the day went on. i had to include these two pics from last evenings escapades. we were all champs last night and it was great. though i think the top trooper award by far goes to Heather who proceeded to outstand us all and go skiing this afternoon.

i could write about my million of philosophical inspirations ive gotten as of lately but its 3 am and i could ramble but by tomorrow my ideas will change (again, like the way my room furniture set up changes). but the past 48 hours i think i encountered just about everyone that i did or did not want to encounter. seriously, everyone! i think somehow facebook is to blame. this computer connection really is shrinking down the size of the world. there's just no hiding now. we already knew who knew each other but see it computer screen. mad props to some really great groups though like the david hasselhoff and the non-gas pumpers. and my children started a group for me! oh the love :)

alright im peacin because soon it WILL be the afternoon and ill just be sleeping again......'night! more intercessing to be had!

so, did you see our really cool belts? Posted by Hello

scrantonic Posted by Hello

Sunday, January 16, 2005

hangin around the newly renovated mall Posted by Hello

Saturday, January 15, 2005

wandering around the MET Posted by Hello

spent a few days at home doing all those things i didnt get to do cause of work or christmasy things over that last break. going to my all time favorite museum was one of them. my mom and i checked out the duccio's madonna and child that was newly acquired to the collection and there were so many new characters to meet in gilbert stuart's portrait display. i really miss the childe hassam collection though that was by far my favorite and i think i am going to have to stalk him at another museum in another state.

but speaking of travel spring break plans are on the go and i am looking forward to some good times on la isla bonita with my fav chicas bonitas. puerto rico here we come!

christine and i went to the new johnny rockets on austin street while i was home. and i got to explore the queens center mall with elizabeth....this lil old ghetto stop is now looking like a mall from long island! those were some nifty after christmas&newyears sales too.

as far as other updates go my parents russo's on the bay party was beautiful!! really nice place. too fancy for a graduation but my mom is all about having an italian wedding there for me. i think she's still in search for that italian counterpart too. my 'rents really like marble floors. hmmmmm

thats it for now im off to do something scrantacular.

Sunday, January 09, 2005

i think this pic says it all. we had a blast at the Gala. you know this is a popular misconception thinking RA's are all strict and boring but our group this year is all about getting crazy on the dancefloor! the 74 of us are a bundle of extremely enthusiastic people. i dont think we sat down once the music started. and my favorite dance was liz ali's life is a highway

last night at scranton was exceptionally fun too (why does this always surprise me when i have fun here!). a bunch of us went to matt's apartment (four years and i think this was my first time at linden apartments...they are huge and really nice...i gotta admit it makes one one-dorm-room look kinda small). then we all went to oscars and the dancing continued. i made two new non U of S friends (they totally reminded me of folks i'd meet at avalon it was awesome!!). lauren and i got free beer from a dude with hair almost as long and blonde as mine! next our lil posse then went to city slice. i talked to this guy i met for a second time and the first time i thought he was a total Jerkoff but this time around there was some improvement. i also met up with a fellow bud from queens Alex and we went across the street to Sound Factory and then another friend's house on monroe.

i turned in at 4 am and there was still peeps hanging around!! i know i missed out on john 00 fleming and chris liebing at avalon this weekend BUT you know every now and then scranton times are pretty darn good. and beside, you cant really compare a place with people you see every day to a big ol city where nobody knows your name. different moods for different occassions. besides lately in the city ive been meeting people from another country and i already have quite a number of pen pals. sometimes it really is cool just to go to a place where everybody already knows your name and you can party it up the way you all know how ;o)
good times Posted by Hello

Saturday, January 08, 2005

life is a game of strategy Posted by Hello

so the past few days have been very pleasant. i have had plenty of gym time and shopping time and time just to sit around and complete little projects. at northern lights georgie taught me how to play chess...there was one new thing learned for the month of january! the other day the mccormick/gannon girls and i ordered in dinner. that was a nice change of pace from the cafeteria food. there was one scare when one of my freshman chicas hurt her knee during a bball game. i felt like such a mom when i drove her to the doc ;) alas it was the same exact injury i had nine months ago. it felt good to give back some of the support that i received (i'm sure andrea well remembers playing chauffer and assistant when i was hobbling along on crutches ;) it was wonderful to have all the love and cheer during a tough time thus helping to make any challange more bearable.

to relfect on worldy matters; jennifer aniston and brad pitt split. i don't know what to do with myself now that hollywood's golden couple is no longer! are they going to turn to the rebound road of j.lo? we had so much hope!!

i am off to bed soon. i decorated the bulletin board outside and watered my plant (yes i remembered). tomorrow includes RA presentations all day and at night is the Gala. I am much looking forward to that. goodnight world ;o)

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

i have excuses to sit around and watch the snowflakes fall

snowy Scranton Posted by Hello

So here I am in Scranton for Intercession. Its always a bit of a Twilight zone here with only 1/3 student population here. However when I look back to freshmen year I knew so very few people and now there are lotsa peeps around to hang out with. I'm so much more motivated to do things this year even though i'm not taking a class. hurrah! free time! lots of it. some of us are experiencing the "lost souls syndrome" where we're all so busy in the semester that its just plain weird to have no deadline and list of meetings to be at. but im glad im not taking a class or working (though i worked enough over the holiday break and will prolly go in for a few more hours sometime next week so i can get highlights and maybe some computer accessories). but free time lets me do nifty things like this lil journal which is way more high tech than the xanga i remembered back in the day..

and so thats about it. alot more snow has fell tonight since i took that picture earlier in the afternoon. now im sitting here with my white Christmas lights still on in sipping on hot chocolate and wondering if i should do some painting or charcoal sketches. i havent really painted since the summer. too bad i dont have a brad pitt to snuggle up next to. ah well, maybe for the next snow storm ;)

goodnight my snow angels!