wandering around the MET

spent a few days at home doing all those things i didnt get to do cause of work or christmasy things over that last break. going to my all time favorite museum was one of them. my mom and i checked out the duccio's madonna and child that was newly acquired to the collection and there were so many new characters to meet in gilbert stuart's portrait display. i really miss the childe hassam collection though that was by far my favorite and i think i am going to have to stalk him at another museum in another state.
but speaking of travel spring break plans are on the go and i am looking forward to some good times on la isla bonita with my fav chicas bonitas. puerto rico here we come!
christine and i went to the new johnny rockets on austin street while i was home. and i got to explore the queens center mall with elizabeth....this lil old ghetto stop is now looking like a mall from long island! those were some nifty after christmas&newyears sales too.
as far as other updates go my parents russo's on the bay party was beautiful!! really nice place. too fancy for a graduation but my mom is all about having an italian wedding there for me. i think she's still in search for that italian counterpart too. my 'rents really like marble floors. hmmmmm
thats it for now im off to do something scrantacular.
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