Nat's Blog

Saturday, January 29, 2005

so what if you catch me where would we land

So its coming to a close; this “timewarp” as jakub (jim) healy put it, known as intercession. Some of us are left with fond memories, others are left with a few blanks….Tuesday night…belt night…hahaha, others might have accomplished something new while others may hafta repeat a class or two. (I thoroughly enjoyed not having to take a class. I’ll say it over and over again!!). I think most of all this sole month of January where there are even fewer living beings around in this already low-populated area gives everyone a shot at re-grouping a little. And of course there’s that whole twilight zone aspect where time may seem to stretch endlessly into the horizon…and then you live a year within a week…I swear I lived a whole year in that one crazy week here. Much was learned. I’m not going to ponder it too much. It spooks me a little J and in the end it was good. Cause well, we’re all still standing, and moving forward too. And everybody’s got some ideas for the months ahead of more ways to fill in the blanks and create new ones!

Speaking of ideas, we’re moving into the Aquarian’s territory, and how convenient to start up a new semester during the most progressive sign of the zodiac. I’ve already started brewing up a bunch. I’m looking into different perspectives this semester. I was surprised by some end results I had with people last year, so this semester amidst having massive amounts of fun and craziness I’m going to keep an open perspective and not attempt to read minds. Last night I went to a Peter Paul Rubens exhibit and saw how he sketched the work of Michelangelo. Sketching has been a bit of a pastime lately. Now if you compare the two, both embrace the vivaciousness of the curve and illuminating figures in motion. While the Flemish fellow is more into softer ambience, the Italian artist prefers super anatomical accuracy and shapely muscular form. Most of all different characteristics of the human body personified are visible. So here you have two works with the same general object but a different interpretation of it. Hmm…much like life, right? Different people think different things. One is not necessarily worse than the other, but its evident that you’ll prefer one over the other.

I digress…how did I get on this analogy?….perhaps cause all of dinner I discussed with J. gowns what it would be like to be a museum curator. ANND I get to take TWO art history classes to knock out my last college semester ever.
This be it for now, I’m going to explore my artistic techniques and see if I can decorate this hallway more.


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