we hit up new york city last night with a flurry of excitement. finally partying it up as college grads after months of being in scranton and celebrating the
approach of graduation. Here we were three single girls in THE city, as some fondly refer to it as the "pulse of the world". approaching our destination at 47th and 8th towards china club, where we were to meet two other fellow scranton grads, we were
summoned towards a multitude of bars and lounges on every corner. but it was International Night at the club and the Guest list awaited us, so we shouted out to our callers that we'd stop by for latenight.
Up on the roof top fancily referred to as Jade Terrace, we stood up facing even higher sky scrapers and brighter lights. merengue and salsa boomed from the dance floor above and below. i noted about only two stars in the sky between the glare of all the other lights around us, but in the Big Apple we need to focus on other "stars" that tend to make their appearance. i heard swedish, polish, and many other languages floating all around us. we danced til our shoes held us up no more, and then headed for a spot that kinda reminded us of city slice, except for the fact that they had pineapple, spinache, anchove, and other toppings that city slice never investigated in. Order plain pizza and they're like...what? where are you from?
we were still celebrating in terms of "scranton" because the next bar we were pulled towards because the famous bon jovi was blasting from inside. As we pushed towards the back, in a bar that was vaguely similar to oscars and cockeyes with ALL the same tunes, we suddenly looked around and saw a thousand look-alikes. Most turned out to be grads from penn state a few years back, but they could have been CLONES of some of our scranton friends. really
it was weird.
i mean, if you didn't get closure from a broken bond with someone at school, who cares. let the lookalike buy you a miller light (sorry, only bud lights here...that was the difference). In a way, if you pay attention to detail the way I do, it is as if you are making peace. the guys there didn't understand why we looked at them all and laughed. really, are you related to people we went to school with for four years? you MUST be. we didn't try to explain. it was too ironic. but it was a good time. and we partied with no apprehension, cause well, we didnt have drama here. just people that looked like people from now what we refer to as our "past". our new friends definitely thought our group of chicas were fun, as we sang along to EVERY song. every few minutes someone would give a "yeah scranton"...hehe though that was probably more me than anybody else. where am i? PA? sure enough outside the bar we met a dude from Lancaster who wanted us to sign his t-shirt. lotsa bachelor parties going on last night and I think we may have convinced a few people that the single life isn't worth rushing out of....
...and maybe scranton life isn't necessary to rush out of either. obviously the place had an effect on us. we're still hallucinating that we're there. we even contemplated driving to scranton just for city slice, but it was approaching 4 am, and time that scranton shops and bars seldom saw. i think it is just a temporary thing. i imagine that in about a month our social circles will change again. but the fond memories have obviously overlooked the not-so-fond memories, and the people that cross our minds have made an impact enough that they're not forgotten. and for those guys and gals that live in areas that have a higher people to deer ratio (no offense anyone, i'm just talking population statistics here), i'm sure they'll meet people that remind them of uf as well.
in the meantime, its 90 degrees and just the start of summer. i can't wait for more city nights with my ny-scranton friends ;)