more rain and what else is new?
So I spent my rainy Friday afternoon at the DMV and I almost stroked out when the man at the desk told me I had to pay this huge gigantic sales tax for New York state since I bought my car in PA. All that money to pay for a state where the streets have pot holes the size of craters that threaten the lifespan and durability of my car each time I drive over them?? For those split minutes as we tried to haggle back and forth ways not to have to pay more money on a vehicle I paid in full last August (…unless you’re telling me the value went up because it was I who owned it!). The price went down from $ know you where I could have gone in Europe for that? Many nice places!! I ended up with a more reasonable tax, and while my mind wandered away from throwing a tea party, I was instead distracted by the fact that my plate number being handed to me was now 2486. 2 4 8 6 those numbers follow me around everywhere! So I suppose it’s a sign, I didn’t have to move back to P.A. to seek greener pastures and eventually settle in with a car mechanic in Clarks Summit. Instead I’ll be hitting those nightlife streets dodging potholes and foreigners. It is meant to be.
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