Nat's Blog

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

my mind is like a box of chocolates

you never know what you're gonna get!!

so i see i have a comment posted from someone on this blogger who is adverising deer hunting.

whats up with that??

anyway, massive exhaustion following 13 and 1/2 hours of being in the hospital resulted in a strange kick in high voltage energy when i got home that even my cuz on the phone said i needed to do something to mellow out and fast. i rebooked my California plane tickets which gives me an extra day next week so perhaps that was part of the excitement. This weekend I intend to watch Baywatch reruns, listen to the Beachboys and perhaps bleach out my hair in preparation for next weekends trip.

my work sched is looking decent enough to plot out some other road trips.

oh yeah, and some girls from my h.s. want to go meet up at mcfadden's tomorrow.

can you imagine!

thats the same intended location for SCRANTON reunions.

how can worlds keep colliding like that?

it isn't fair. i don't know. anyway, i can't make it cause I actually have a date with a former -whatcha-ma-callit-idon't-like-to-say-cause-i-never-liked-comittment-anyway-so-i'll-say-dude/friend-who-i-used-to-hang-with-in-college-and-still-talk-to-millions-of-years-later.

thats all the blogging for now. i'm going to try to keep mellowing out and sleep! g'night moon, stars, cotton candy and bell jars.


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