Nat's Blog

Sunday, July 10, 2005

one fish, two fice? three feces?

So I just witnessed my pet fish do something scary. He pooped. Or at least I think so I’m not really sure. At first I thought he was giving birth to his intestines, or perhaps a mini anaconda. Could Scrantie really be a she and gave birth to an eel? Not sure if goldfish can give birth to eels. So maybe the fish is lonely and tried to make another fish. And somehow what he made was this really really long string-bean like thing that is currently twice his size and still stuck to his bottom. Are you lonely fishie? I dunno. I guess my confusion is a fine example of why I didn’t stick to being a biology major.

So lately I’ve been making new observations in the realm of dating and relationships. I’ve had a hiatus on my own social life this past weekend (well, its been about a week on house rest sticking to my books to study up on my license exam but it’s the weekend when the sacrifice hurts the most) but I’ve still had some chance to ponder over some new enlightened thoughts. By the way, the fact that I still have any enlightened thoughts is a miracle, because I’ve done enough multiple choice test practice questions to drive a person mad. So if anything sounds a bit off the rocker (which isn’t too unusual for nat), well, blame the nursing board.

I worked at our Holy Cross Polish Picnic for a couple of hours this Saturday and what better place to observe the socializing of the European-American culture. First of all, I must say that falling prey to assumptions exists everywhere. In between selling tickets, I was being interrogated by an older gentlemen who was convinced that the kid standing next to me was my boyfriend. Now I just met this guy, My supposed “boyfriend” but because he looked my age, and was standing in close proximity, and well we had actually exchanged a few words well, that just had to add up to this. Several minutes later another lady asked me if I was married. (to the kid I was just talking to?). What is going on? It was like those days we had dinners in the caf with So-and-So and the next day I’d find out people thought we were dating. Can’t young people just talk these days? And when I told them it wasn’t they said I was lying.

So I went off on my single-in-the-city speech, but the Europeans, who believe in family values and male dominance, were not impressed. You see yourself as your own support system? No way! Yes way. I told everyone about my college degree and future job, and they wanted to know if I had any kids yet or at least a boyfriend. I had a solid negative on both of those ends. And I like it!

I’m still not at the point in my life where I would feel comfortable having to check in with someone. Consistantly. I still need to check in with my Mom to tell her I’m still alive. And it’s a nifty feeling being able to decide for yourself, plotting out your future for yourself and not have to worry how its going to hurt or benefit a counterpart.

Last week I met this interseting fellow who plays pro golf in Australia. He text messaged me to see if I wanted to meet up. Still thinking text messages are the lesser of personal means to get in touch with someone, I let him know after my test I’d have free time. Yeah, free time in my world is about three hours max in between finishing my test and then going out in the city with my guys and gals for the night and then trecking up to PA early morning for our white water rafting excursion and then only to spend the rest of the week in the Poconos. So my time with my Australian friend is limited since he is going back soon, and I don’t really give a hoot about golf. However, I would like to go to Australia someday though, and pen pals are nice to have. Maybe I’ll find some more time somehow and see what the kangaroos have to say.

As for now, for all you children that have paired up, and actually that goes for only one of you, one of the fearsome four has changed her status!!…..a Robin to her Batman-ness! A Bonnie to go with Clyde. A Bert for Ernie! Though I myself rarely progress with long-termed dualships, I am fascinated as to how these things come about.

I guess it means something different for everyone. Mr. And Mrs. Smith, in the movie Mr. And Mrs. Smith, were awfully alike, and found that as much as they wanted to kill each other, they had too much in common to fight the Big Fight alone. There really isn’t a right or wrong, just a preference and an arrangement of comfort and convenience. Sometimes its convenient to have someone. And some seem to have found something really great out of it. Things fluctuate and change all the time, even the course of tradition whether it be American or European. We’ll see what changes next or what we‘ll adjust ourselves.

And I’ll check up on Scrantie, the goldfish, again tomorrow, and perhaps change the tank, and see if Whatever is still floating around.


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