Nat's Blog

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

The Four Johns

Four College Girls take SuperHero Action, proving that the Dominican Sister/Jesuit brother education made them real-world ready.

"It started out as just another ordinary night", the newspaper headline of the Daily News said. Four long time friends went out for a night of dancing at Show. It was the usual; dancing the night away and lounging around the VIP room meeting new faces. They did notice a strange coincidence; that all three fellows who invited them to be VIP all had the first same name, but only later on that night the stars would align to point be the fourth who would be in desperate need of their help and rescue. Do you believe in karma? Strange irony? Coincidence? You can't always describe the path life sets out to you, or how you got there, and of course the famous of all questions, why, but you can realize that every now and then there is a clear connection between the chain of events in your life and it only seems to point to some higher purpose.

The DA/Scranton chicas pondered over the idea of karma, faith, and fate that Friday night. They happened to stop on the way home finding the poor fella in the middle of the street. Nobody else stopped, cars and trucks whizzed by coming centimeters from running him over. Isn't anybody brave enough to step up to the plate and care these days?

Well the newspaper article probably wont get published in the paper, and most friends and family thought we were all crazy for stopping at 4 am and trying to find out how to get that comatose guy away from the middle of oncoming traffic. And it may take a while to let this whole thing settle in our heads and understand how it was exactly that we were the ones to be there at that time. I can speak for myself and my other three chicas that many thoughts crossed our mind as we saw "John" lying there on that street. In some ways, we all could relate to john. Hey, I've been there, I had those lemme-get-drunk-and-lay-down-here-in-the-middle-of-the-street kind of days. And I've dated guys just like "John" too. Many people I hung out with were "John". And stopping traffic and calling 911, well maybe it was so important to us because were we not saving ourselves in some way, and saving all those tools we spent so much time with in Scranton? Man, nothing bad happened to those boys back at school, regardless of how much vodka they drank, or how many walls they punched or slammed their head through, or regardless how they treated us. In the end, we made it out sucessfully and into the real world. "John" almost got run over by a truck that Firday night. And who knows where he is tonight, maybe he's right back at the bottom of that bottle. And maybe those other boys are too, the ones who were perhaps blinded by the headlights of cheap neon beer signs and that miller light buzz.

And if you're stuck in those headlights you probably won't see the warning signs. Or the street signs, or anything coincidental for that matter. These four years, we may have been down some days, but in case I missed it or they missed it, my friends and I were totally there for each other to point out the way. And if I got anything from this Friday night, however scary and nervewrecking it was at that time, I am reminded yet again of how grateful I am to have these chicas in my life. I think "John" ought to be grateful too, if only he'd see it. Yeah boys, I'm not convinced you ever really saw it.


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