Nat's Blog

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Its Friday night and I pull up on the corner of an Avenue in Brooklyn with my bud (name edited out cause some people are anal and don't want their names mentioned on sites like these). We were the first two to venture in to the Greenich Village meets techno version of one of my fav clubs. Everybody else was still somewhere in Queens. Our first impression was a positive one of the new place for the ever-so-friendly bouncers offered to give us a tour of the place. Soon the posse filed in. The beat was the steady and the lights flashing so eventually we turned to the dance floor. Suddenly I found myself in an interesting predicament. I was face to face with two similar figures, different in every way. Two characters, lets say, an Angel and Devil. One became predictable, the stable one with the halo and wings; secure in step, turning identically the same way each time. Not soon later I heard an “ohhhh myyyy” and upon turning around I was face to face with the Devil, his Armani belt shining in the disco light and the red Exchange letters scrawled over the black shirt. Ah, aint nothing better than the site of a familiar friend tempting you with bad words and promises of fun. So I boogied with the bad ass and our 1-2 steps complimented each other too well. The old Nelly Furtado lyrics came to my head with i try and i try and i angel on my left side and a devil on my right..and they fight and they fight and they fight..they're fighting, they're fighting…ah I stepped out and tried to regain my conscience but I already left my conscience somewhere with my rhythm. the angel took a backseat and Armani and I took this dance contest up two blocks to Europa. Pretty soon I was getting compliments from the devil’s best friend that we were a match made in…New Jersey? No way could I go back tonight I had other places to be early the next day. Plans with The Cuz. So we parted ways, damn it was hard to part with someone just like you who can’t ever leave a club earlier before the bouncers want to kick you out. I must have found my other half cause he said “oh five more minutes” and I declared that line as my own years ago.
Anyway, driving home still a bit torn with my sober realization that maybe I shot down more appropriate opportunities especially when I was given specific instructions to at least TRY something stable. Well 545 AM my phone rings wakin me out of my peaceful slumber and who is it other than the Devil himself. Ah well, if you can’t fight the attaction so be it…he may be the gatekeeper to hell but he smells like…HEAVEN.


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