Nat's Blog

Saturday, February 12, 2005

real good friends

1. share their inhalor with you when the smoke in the bar gets too thick for you to breath
2. play along with any game, even if its "lets see if we can fit in the washers and dryers"
3. take pictures of you at your BEST, so that way when things are a little fuzzy the next morning you have kodak moments of you in all your glory ;)
4. warn you when "danger" approaches
5. help you figure out those mystery cell phone numbers in your cell that just somehow appeared
6. sit and re-cap and analyze those events that perhaps were a little fuzzy, or even just simply complicated
7. move you away from people that are not worth your time
8. push you towards the people that are worth your time
9. tell you to stop drinking if you are done for, or even drink your drinks for you
10. walk you home and call you repeatedly to make sure you are safe and have not wandered off elsewhere
11. actually listen to those voicemails where you repeated yourself 5x or talked eagerly about bananas or bowling balls
12. survey the scene with you and laugh at all the drama that is Scranton!
13. pick you up when you are down! literally :)
14. don't dis your pink polka dot obsession
15. go to another bar with you just because you're not feeling the crowd
16. assist you with any article of clothing that has somehow come undone
17. make sure you have a buddy
18. keep tabs on you that you are happy and feeling well
19. have "water fights", just because
20. stand up for you if you get smacked
21. pretend to be your significant other in times of need

22. never shake their head at you if you are dancing like a fiend, but rather bop along to your beat
23. celebrate your birthday everyday


thank you all, you know who you are :)


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