Nat's Blog

Monday, March 14, 2005

all kinds of energies circulating upstairs

Today you're going to start thinking about one of your relatives, someone you haven't talked to in a while, and it's going to make you decide that you should be in better touch with people. Across the board, you could be better about responding to e-mails, calling people back, etc. The thing is, you're easily distracted. For example, you'll probably be distracted later this week (by a sizzling love affair, no less). Over the weekend, once your heart rate has returned to normal, you should start thinking about ways to be more organized and on top of things.

so i've been checking my horoscope ritually (preferable at the end of the day so i can compare how right they are) and DAMN its BEeN rIghT alL the Time lately. i get this liking for them from mom who always send me them. its the gypsy influence on us eastern europeans. what better way to use up calling card money overseas to poland than analyzing dreams (my aunts always make me do it...).

any circulation up in the heavens is probably resultant from the chaos that happened downstairs during the parade this weekend. I rock too fast for love I’m footloose in my Velcro shoes. recovery period? not as long as expected. casualties? minimal, we prevented a kid from jumping out the window and i helped an unconscious kid get up from the sound factory floor AGAIN...there were a few holes punched in walls, but those are expected these days. midterms bring us back to that other reality called sko0l. i think spring break is going to put the senior scramble on hold for a while, give us a shot at stepping back and figuring out whY: the most nontherapeutic question in the world.

thats it. my thoughts are currently as random as my life is now. horoscope calls for more upredictablity....hoorah, love that best ;) at least I’m rocking steady to the beat in my head !


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