Nat's Blog

Friday, February 25, 2005

i was informed that i needed to actually write in this journal. i think pictures say it all :) but "we need to know whats going on in there" (pointing to a relatively weightless piece of matter, aka my brain hehe). so here we go.

it was refreshing to whiz past the welcome to Queens sign today. i so need a taste of the big apple. and im sitting in my basement surrounded by all this extra furniture as Rafal works on renovating our storage room. its looking great, but i wish he'd close the garage cause its freeeezing in here.
scranton has not been boring lately, its been a lil bit of an adventure everyday. the Crew's had some pretty great times....there's still alot of laughter from my bday week. i am a little floored though by some folks though, especially all those of the past that have re-appeared somehow. when i mean past i mean last semester, and last week!! and freshmen year. senior scramble. everyone's coming around and saying things or admitting to things that is cool to say now cause we're on the way to parting our ways. but honestly, there is some toolish behavior that needs to stop. i must find a cure.

Why does hello feel like goodbye? These memories can't replace/These wishes I wished and dreams I chased. i still read your journal...the entries that i starred in aren't even in the archives anymore and it wasn't that long ago. is this moving on? maybe so. still. doesn't it suck when people you met and had an awesome time with find that the best way to enjoy and appreciate that is to not speak to you anymore? i don't understand the whole "ex" thing. im not an "ex" anything, since i never titled any relationship that way. its only recently that i can actually say the word relationship, or at least phatom the potential of one. and even more slowly, but nevertheless surely i'm beginning to accept the c-word, (that starts with that letter and ends in omittment). this dude at the bar wanted to burn the hat i was wearing last night because it reminded him of his ex. such animosity! i never would want to feel like that about anyone...regardless of the toolish behavior...but i suppose that can't be helped. its a feeling that comes when people disappoint us and don't fall into our lines of expectation.

ah well. party on. big plans this weekend! i am now going upstairs to eat an amazing home cooked meal by my parents. updates on sunday!


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