captives of Scrantonia

Living on this college campus has often referred to as living in a bubble, or other times ironically a "cage", perhaps kind of like the one we got our groove on in at Tinks. Here we are a boatload of college kids, looking to find ourselves and break free from any obstacles blocking us from becomming truly amazing global revolutionaries. But soon enough this cage is going to break free and watch out world...
but in the meantime, breaking free is something that we kinda dont want to do. we've made mistakes. made messes. had fights. confused ourselves terrible. forgot what it is we came here for in the first place. learned some new tricks. helped people. grew up a little. shed tears. laughed til we cried. almost died. danced like everyone was watching. found family. and made some pretty fond memories, that are fuzzy, but all worthwhile attempting to remember.
so now what?
i think the bars surrounding the cage are getting loose!
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