Nat's Blog

Thursday, December 23, 2004

continuing blogship

yess so alas i set up a new blogger. i thought about going back to xanga but really wanted something new. thanks to all who supported me in my quest to committing to something. xanga lasted i think about a year. since then i signed up or was signed up for all this other stuff like myspace and webshots and if this keeps going im gonna forget all my passwords and what im even registered on. also, i am never going to sign up for any other e-mail thingie other than velvetlist and the daily buddhist quotes i get because everything else just fills up my e-mail...

so other thoughts.

I had alot of respect for Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin until I found out they named their baby Apple. Ok, so granted I used to affectionately refer to my roommate in sophomore year as Apple Jacks. The two of us had a child/pet that was a stretchy hand-glue thing that we named Pinky, despite its bright blue coloring. But still, for such a cute lil baby with all the potential in the world naming it after a fruit just doesn't seem right.

And its almost christmas! i think i'm ready, usually its down to the last hour putting stuff together and wrapping stuff up but this time I think i can prop my feet up and just relax. for once i also have new years eve plans set up way ahead of time as opposed to thinking about what to do the night of.

thats it for now more later!


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